Juul Labs, the company that makes Juul electronic vaping cigarettes and pods, has reached a $255 million settlement in a class-action lawsuit. The lawsuit claimed that Juul unlawfully marketed its products to minors under 18. As a mom, this is concerning because we want our kids to make healthy choices, and we don't want them to be targeted by companies like Juul.
To be eligible for a payout from the Juul Settlement, you must have purchased a Juul product either online, in-store, or directly from Juul's online store in the United States before December 7, 2022. The deadline to submit a claim and qualify for a class action payment from the Juul settlement is July 14, 2023.
The Juul Settlement has been reached to avoid the costly and risky process of going to trial. Valid class action claim forms submitted before the deadline (located below) should result in cash payments, and all parties involved believe that the settlement terms and conditions are fair. It's worth noting that the judge and court in the case have not made a determination regarding whether the class action plaintiffs or the defendant, Juul, are right or wrong.
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