🥛A $21 Million Class Action Settlement has been reached after a lawsuit was filed against Milk manufacturers
A $21 Million Class Action Settlement has been reached after a lawsuit was filed against Milk manufacturers. The Defendants include Coca-Cola Company (“TCCC”), fairlife, LLC (“fairlife”), Fair Oaks Farms, LLC (“FOF”), Mike McCloskey and Sue McCloskey (“the McCloskeys”), and Select Milk Producers, Inc. (“Select”), relating to Fairlife and FOF Milk Products.
If you or your business purchased fa!rlife or Fair Oaks Farms Milk Products, you may be entitled to a Cash Award from this class action Settlement.
You may submit a Claim Form to receive 25% of the average retail purchase price, up to $100, for your purchases of fairlife Milk Products and FOF Milk Products, if the products were purchased for personal use and not for resale, and were purchased on or before April 27, 2022. Claim Forms submitted without Valid Proof of Purchase will be capped at a Cash Award of up to $20 and Claim Forms submitted with Valid Proof of Purchase will be capped at a Cash Award of up to $80, subject to certain adjustments (upward and downward) depending on the number of claims submitted.
To file online, you will be asked to provide contact information and purchase information for fairlife and FOF Milk Products you purchased, including type, size, and quantity. If you are submitting a claim with Valid Proof of Purchase, please have your documentation ready before you start to file, as you will not be able to save your progress and return later to finish.
After submitting your completed claim online, you will receive an email with a confirmation code for your completed submission. Be sure to keep your confirmation email and code and refer back to them if you have any questions about your Claim Form.
fairlife Milk Products
Please click the button below to get started.
File by Mail:
To file by mail, you may download a copy of the paper Claim Form here or request a copy be mailed to you by calling the Claims Administrator at 1-855-604-1865 (Toll-Free). Then, type or legibly print all requested information, sign, and date it. Mail your completed Claim Form, including any supporting documentation to the the Claims Administrator at the following address:
In re fairlife Milk Products Litigation
P.O. Box 5569
Portland, OR 97228–5569
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